Work With Us


MINT can accomodate 1-2 new PhD students in any given year. ANU has limited international scholarships available, but plentiful domestic scholarships. Prospective students with ideas in any areas related to our research should get in touch with PI Lazar.


MINT is looking for honours students who are PhD-students-in-waiting, integrating them into the regular activities of the lab, and supporting their research individually and collectively.


We are always interested in hearing from early career researchers. Even if we don’t have a position available, we’re eager to talk with you about how to strengthen your research profile and navigate your way through this new field.


We collaborate with like-minded research groups worldwide, and are currently funded by ARC, Templeton World Charity Foundation, Google, IAG and AI 2050

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PhD Supervision

MINT can accommodate 1-2 new PhD students in any given year, and we welcome inquiries from both domestic and international students.

Our key research focus is the topics outlined in ‘Research’ above, but we will consider promising proposals on any topic related to the moral and political philosophy of data and AI.

MINT PhD students will be based in the School of Philosophy at ANU, and will be required to complete all coursework mandated by the school.

Prospective PhD students should have a high first class honours undergraduate degree in either philosophy or computer science, or, exceptionally, related fields in the social sciences.

The first step is to reach out to Seth Lazar by email. When eligibility has been confirmed, Seth will help you to develop your proposal and apply for funding. International PhD scholarships at ANU are very limited; domestic funding is more plentiful. We welcome international applicants with their own sources of (competitive) funding.

Only in exceptional circumstances will MINT support self-funded PhD students.

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Early Career Researchers

MINT is supported by grants from the ANU, Australian Research Council, and Templeton World Charity Foundation. The bulk of these funds go to supporting research fellows, and one of our central aims as a lab is to place research fellows in excellent continuing positions at top research universities worldwide. As such, we periodically graduate our postdocs into continuing positions, so have new opportunities arising. We always advertise on

MINT can also support and host research fellows funded by independent schemes (including internationally). If you are interested in pursuing such an opportunity, reach out via our contact form above.

In addition, Seth is keen to offer advice to any early career philosophers considering working on the moral and political philosophy of data and AI—just reach out through the contact form.

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Honours Students

MINT welcomes applications by prospective honours students to join the lab. Seth Lazar will supervise up to two Honours students each year, one in moral philosophy and one in political philosophy. Research fellows in MINT can each supervise one Honours student in their area of expertise.

If you’re interested in joining the lab, reach out to Seth in the first instance. The default expectation is a high HD average in your undergraduate philosophy career, though exceptions are possible in some cases.

Prospective honours students should look through the research areas outlined above, and identify a broad topic area that interests them. They can then work to sharpen that topic in collaboration with Seth and the MINT research fellows.

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