Daniel Kilov

Daniel Kilov

Research Affiliate

Daniel Kilov works on philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and moral psychology. His PhD research concerns the shape and limits of expertise and combines experimental methods with the traditional, armchair methods of philosophy. He has recently developed an interest in AI technologies and the ways they may augment or supplant human expertise. In addition, Daniel is interested methodological questions around the development of moral machines; Can empirical results about folk morality undermine traditional a priori moral theorizing? Can we treat 'moral judgement' as a natural kind term that picks out a nomological clustering of real psychosocial properties to be uncovered by empirical investigation? If so, what are our best empirical theories of moral foundations or moral universals? Answering these questions is a precondition to constructing or training AI agents that are sensitive to moral properties.

Daniel is now working on just these topics, as a postdoctoral research fellow on the ARC Linkage project on socially responsible insurance in the age of AI.