Fei Song

Fei Song

Research Affiliate

Dr. Fei Song is a Philosopher whose research focuses on the ethics of risk, behavioral ethics, and the development of trustworthy AI systems. Her current work in this area involves developing a new form of Consequentialism based on non-expected utility theory, which better accounts for the moral significance of small-probability, high-stake risks.

In addition to their work on the ethics of risk, she is also engaged in interdisciplinary research on behavioral ethics, specifically investigating moral judgments and decision-making under uncertainty. This project, conducted in collaboration with a psychologist at the National University of Singapore, explores how attitudes towards risk and ambiguity influence moral judgments. Recently, they extended the research interest to integrate the works with large language mode.

Recognizing the importance of developing ethical and trustworthy AI systems, she has also published research on reducing the risk of moral deskilling and moral automation in AI. She has argued for a hybrid approach that combines machine learning and rule-based programming, and have proposed a new "network account of AI" for ensuring the trustworthiness of AI systems.