Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Johnson

Research Affiliate

Rebecca is in the final months of her PhD on the Ethics of Generative AI at The University of Sydney. From 2021-2022 she worked Google Research in the Ethical AI team specifically working on GenAI models. She has received scholarships from Stanford and MIT to participate in AI Ethics conferences and in 2020 she was listed on the “100 brilliant women in AI ethics” by Lighthouse 3. Her work is focused on value alignment of GenAI; specifically, normative biases embedded in these models and the processes we use to evaluate them. You can learn more about her work at  She is a Managing Editor for “The AI Ethics Journal” and is on the Editorial Board for the Springer journal "AI and Ethics". In April 2023, Rebecca convened and Chaired at The University of Sydney which was Australia’s largest conference to date on the ethical risks and impacts of GenAI. In July she convened as a follow up think-tank on Australian policy and AI. Rebecca also the founded the global group “PhD Students in AI Ethics” which consists of +600 members. She holds a Bachelor of Science, a Bachelor of Communication, and a Master’s by Research. She has taught both undergraduate and Master’s level units at Sydney University since 2016.