Brian Hedden of the ANU and Katie Creel of Northeastern University organized a workshop on Fairness and Machine Learning: Limitations and Opportunities on January 23rd at Stanford University. Fairness and Machine Learning is co-authored by Solon Barocas, Moritz Hardt, Arvind Narayanan.
Read MoreSeth Lazar has been invited to give the Tanner Lectures in AI and Human Values, at Stanford, in January 2023. The lectures will be hosted by the Human-Centered AI Institute and the McCoy Centre for Ethics in Society.
Read MoreSeth Lazar will be traveling to the US in October, giving talks in Princeton, Cornell Tech, and Cornell.
Read MoreWell done to Jake Stone for passing his Thesis Proposal Review! He’s working on ‘A Theory of Justice for Algorithmic Systems’, and it’s going to smash. Did a great job crossing this important hurdle. Well done Jake!
Read MorePanel on Algorithmic Governance of the Public Sphere at FAccT, Seoul 2022
Read MoreThis panel discussion, curated and chaired by Seth Lazar, featured insights from Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Min Kyung Lee, Wilneida Negrón, and Rida Qadri. Watch the whole session here:
Read MoreACM FAccT happening June 21-24, MINTies and friends have played a big role in bringing it together. All now just hoping that neither covid nor WWIII gets in the way…
Read MoreNew draft ready on legitimacy, authority and the political value of explanations, due to be my keynote for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy workshop, Tucson October 2022
Read MoreWe argue that, as well as more obvious concerns about the downstream effects of ML-based decision-making, there can be moral grounds for the criticism of these predictions themselves. We introduce and defend a theory of predictive justice, according to which differential model performance for systematically disadvantaged groups can be grounds for moral criticism of the model, independently of its downstream effects. As well as helping resolve some urgent disputes around algorithmic fairness, this theory points the way to a novel dimension of epistemic ethics, related to the recently discussed category of doxastic wrong.
Read MoreJoin us for a special public lecture on April 26, at 6.30pm in the RSSS building lecture theatre, to launch the MINT lab. Jamie Susskind, author of Future Politics, will present the main arguments of his forthcoming book, The Digital Republic.
Read MoreSeth Lazar gave the second annual Mala and Solomon Kamm lecture in Ethics, at the Safra Center for Ethics, at Harvard University, on April 7, 2022. This prestigious lecture series was endowed by the brilliant philosopher Frances Kamm, professor at Rutgers University, in honour of her parents. It is a particular honour for Seth to give this lecture, due to the great debt his own work holds to Kamm's pathbreaking research in deontological ethics.
Read MoreMichael Barnes, a philosopher presently at the Rotman Institute, University of Western Ontario, has accepted an offer to join MINT and HMI for a two-year postdoc, starting mid-2022. Michael’s position is funded by the HMI Grand Challenge.
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