Brian Hedden of the ANU and Katie Creel of Northeastern University organized a workshop on Fairness and Machine Learning: Limitations and Opportunities on January 23rd at Stanford University. Fairness and Machine Learning is co-authored by Solon Barocas, Moritz Hardt, Arvind Narayanan.
Read MoreThis upcoming PAIS workshop—sponsored by the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society at Stanford and the Machine Intelligence and Normative Theory Lab and HMI project at ANU—seeks to bring together philosophers addressing important normative questions about the ongoing impact of artificial intelligence and related applications of digital technologies on society.
Read MoreMichael Barnes has published a new article in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly, as part of a special issue on Feminism, Social Justice, and Artificial Intelligence. Michael’s paper is entitled ‘Online Extremism, AI, and (Human) Content Moderation’.
Read MoreACM FAccT happening June 21-24, MINTies and friends have played a big role in bringing it together. All now just hoping that neither covid nor WWIII gets in the way…
Read MoreSeth joined a group of European scholars to submit an application to the Schloss Dagstuhl for a five day seminar titled ‘Roadmap for Responsible Robotics’. This is a prestigious and competitive application process (success rate about 1/3), and our application was just approved!
Read MoreSeth's heading to the US in April! As well as the Kamm lecture at Harvard, he'll be giving talks at CMU, Emory, and Princeton. More details to follow.
Read MoreIn March, Seth is teaching into the University of Oxford's Masters program in practical ethics, as well as delivering a lecture into the ethics module of the Next Generation AI Symposium. He will also be presenting at the Schwarz Reisman Institute's weekly seminar.
Read MoreSeth Lazar and Christian Barry's co-authored paper, Supererogation and Optimisation, has been accepted for publication by the Australasian Journal of Philosophy. The paper explores principles that might underpin either the demand for altruistic efficiency, or the denial of any such demand.
Read MoreBen Robinson and Antonio Esposito win scholarships for their work on Moral Skill and Ethics for AI respectively.
Read MoreWorld Economic Forum's Quantum Computing Governance Principles programme brings together a global multi-stakeholder community of experts from across public sector, private sector, academia and civil society to formulate principles and create a broader ethical framework for responsible and purpose-driven design and adoption of quantum computing technologies to drive positive outcomes for society.
Read MorePamela Robinson presented ‘Moral Disagreement and Artificial Intelligence’ at AIES'21. Click through for more information.
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